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Thursday, 23 May 2013

observe the hedghog family

Last autumn I had a hedgehog family in the back garden. They build a home to stay over winter to hibernate. On a lovely sunny day, the baby hedgehogs came out of their hiding place to play and eat and just have fun.
The mother hedgehog kept a fantastic eye on the three little once, and it was just beautiful to watch them and observe them.
In my ebook "Listen Animals Talk" I wrote a lot of observing. When we are just quiet and watch the animal, we get so much from them. We learn how they interact with each other, we learn about nature, we learn to understand the language of the animals.
Observe the hedgehogs in the video and see how they play, watch, check things out, the words that come to mind is curiosity, playful, alert, hide, etc. what can you see and what can you learn from the hedgehog?

Often the hedgehog is misunderstood, people worry about them as it was believed that they carry diseases. Yet the hedgehog is so precious to the gardener as it takes care of all the slugs and snails.
So next time you see a hedgehog, observe it, I have rescued many hedgehogs, and they have a special place in my heart. I felt their energy, the gentleness, yet able to defend themselves, curious and inquisitive, and the eyes express love and kindness.


                                          Baby Hedgehog with mother Hedgehog!

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